Event Detail

Blood Lab Draws by Appointment

We know from years of experience that no matter how hard we try, sometimes unknown factors are keeping us from losing fat and having more energy. Hormones, stress and nutrient levels can all affect results. Our licensed T School doctor will look at your body chemistry and identify what imbalances (if any) need to be addressed to help you more easily reach your goals.

That’s why we’re offering a limited number Blood Work Analysis reports for T School participants. You will receive a personal report reviewed by a doctor with suggestions for improving results over time. This is a review only and not a substitute for a doctors consult or visit.

  • Basic Level Blood Analysis  – This test includes a full thyroid analysis, very specialized glucose, cholesterol, and stress hormone testing. (thyroid glycation gap, leptin, insulin, LDL P / HDL, cortisol) Participants receive a physician review and explanation of lab results that include the top 3 recommended treatments, dietary customizations, and recommended next steps from Dr. Johnson.

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  • Platinum Level Blood Analysis  – This comprehensive blood panel includes testing the markers that impact weight loss – hormones, thyroid, metabolic markers, as well as fatty acid intake analysis that can identify markers for appetite control, susceptibility to inflammation, cardiovascular risks and show areas for improvement in diet; vitamin tests; and genetic testing to identify predispositions to health problems and simple nutritional interventions to help with success. Participants receive a physician review and explanation of lab results that include the top 4 recommended treatments, dietary customizations, and recommended next steps from Dr. Johnson.

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Event information
 1901 West 43rd Avenue Kansas City, Ks 66103,
 913 499 7510

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