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Tina Sprinkle
I created T School because I wanted to help my clients by-pass some of the mistakes I’ve made in my own life long journey of health and wellness. I was literally born fat! As an infant I was so chubby that people often asked my folks if I had a neck! That was just the beginning of my struggle with weight loss, one that lasted well into my forties despite my career as a fitness instructor, personal trainer and studio owner.
What changed my ability to transform my life and health was a shift in my approach to all three areas of my health: nutrition, fitness and mindful practice. Once I discovered the power of eating clean (alive!) unprocessed foods, moving with the right intensity and creating a morning practice to support my daily intentions, my world began to change in a profound way; life took on an ease and joy I previously could not have imagined. Not only did my body and health improve- but my entire world opened up.
My life’s passion and purpose is to help others navigate their own positive life transformation by providing the support, tools and guidance we all need along the way.
When I’m climbing or hiking it’s often easy to lose my way. I am always grateful for the cairns, (piles of rocks) left by others to help me find the trail and guide me upward.
Think of T School as your touch stone (or cairn) for helping you to create and stay on track to developing your best health; your best life.
What changed my ability to transform my life and health was a shift in my approach to all three areas of my health: nutrition, fitness and mindful practice. Once I discovered the power of eating clean (alive!) unprocessed foods, moving with the right intensity and creating a morning practice to support my daily intentions, my world began to change in a profound way; life took on an ease and joy I previously could not have imagined. Not only did my body and health improve- but my entire world opened up.
My life’s passion and purpose is to help others navigate their own positive life transformation by providing the support, tools and guidance we all need along the way.
When I’m climbing or hiking it’s often easy to lose my way. I am always grateful for the cairns, (piles of rocks) left by others to help me find the trail and guide me upward.
Think of T School as your touch stone (or cairn) for helping you to create and stay on track to developing your best health; your best life.