Event Detail

Bonus Prep Week for Clean 21

As part of your T School Fast Track T School Intensive program you’ve got a BONUS WEEK to PREP for your CLEAN 21 sugar detox.

That means getting help getting ready by:

  1.  Downloading your T School schedule and reserving all dates in your calendar.
  2.  Downloading your T School Materials and reading them.
  3.  Purging your pantry of all processed, fake and sugar laden foods.
  4.  Learning what to eat on your CLEAN 21 and understanding why we’re asking you to eat it.
  5.  Finding a journal method that you can live with because you’re going to use it.
  6.  Choosing your T School Coach and emailing them.
  7.  Taking your life and your health seriously- because YOU are IMPORTANT!
Event information
 Pilates 1901, 1901 W 43rd Ave, Kansas City
 +913 499 7510

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